
Pinktober: Beyonce Feature

Pinktober: Beyonce Feature

Beyonce.com featured Beauty Bakerie CEO Cashmere Nicole for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Better, not Bitter is the Beauty Bakerie motto. Cashmere Nicole, Beauty Bakerie Founder and CEO, adopted the saying and accompanying attitude after her breast cancer diagnosis. Cashmere views mistakes only as learning opportunities, and wishes to inspire others to see the very best in people. That's what being Better, not Bitter is all about!

Beyonce.com Features Beauty Bakerie CEO Cashmere Nicole

While Cashmere's battle against breast cancer was not easy, we all have people in our lives who make us feel unstoppable. Whether it's family, friends, or favorite celebs, having people who inspire us to be Better, not Bitter is important! Cashmere Nicole's story was highlighted on Beyonce.com for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and inspired her to keep persevering through one of life's most difficult circumstances.

Read on for our CEO's reflections on the Beyonce interview, and how she uses the spotlight to inspire others.


Sometimes my daughter or my mom remind me of things I did during my recovery. Sometimes it's silly stuff and I laugh with them sometimes it's something I'd rather not remember.... The day I got the call, I had every intention to complete the interview but I had fallen back to sleep. I'm so happy that the second time that day someone reached out and I was able to muster up strength to complete the interview. I had drains hanging out of both sides of my body. I was really uncomfortable and afraid of yanking one out so I slept sitting up for what seems like two weeks. It was such a tough recovery but I managed to pull through by the grace of God and my mother being at my side feeding me, medicating me, changing my bandages and helping me to the shower. I remember feeling so awful. No energy. But a short while after the call, I had the fire beneath me again. I hoped for something, I looked forward to something...I believed in myself again. 

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"Now, a year later things are better than they've ever been."

Sometimes, we have to be a blessing to others. It awakens them. It inspires them. It gives them something to hope for, something to try for. I hope that this Pinktober my sweets will remember to think of someone who's tired, sick, uninspired, discouraged and help reignite their fire.

Thank you Queen Bey, I feel unstoppable!
Cashmere Carrillo, CEO and Founder at Beauty Bakerie Cosmetics Brand


Check out the full article on on Beyoncé.com... And don't forget to check back at Beauty Bakerie for the latest sweets, fresh from the oven.
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